heyyy people!!
konnichiwa to youuuuu
so bored
mum and dad not at home
kor is glued to his bloody game
slept off halfway
while watching
legend of the seeker ytd
need to go out with tohning
to buy stuff for the genting trip
need to buy mask
just in case sth happens.....
wan to buy snacks and stuff
then need to buy water bottle also
[recommended by desiree]
she say tat novena have a lot of water bottle
will visit there may be with tohning
desiree is going to aus
bon voyage sweetheart!!!
hope you enjoy your trip there

des and her stylish walk


heyyy people
was looking at the sony eric
u100i yari
it is damn damn damn nice
i wan it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and i maybe getting it
yes!!!!!!! -screams out loud-
during pe
me desiree maple winnie and laura
played netball with the sec 2 seniors
lyk wth
they were lyk super rough
they pushed maple
and she was cursing lyk siao
calm down maple
then poor khine
she fell down and sprained her ankle
lyk for the 5th os 6th time this year
siva said her joint very weak
poor herr
then on the way to music room
so freaking funny
claudia whacked denise boob
and she fell on the floor
due to too much pain
i was laughing lyk mad
during music
denise was talking hokkien
and we were laughing lyk crazy
bus-ed to thomson plaza
to eat subway
with desiree ofure and claudia
eat eat laugh laugh and went to amk hub
walked around and went home
went to the photocopying machine
after going home
had a chat with a lady
bla bla bla
nothing else le
buh bye
this post is specially for her
to ofure:you should be proud of me for doing this
[i am doing this on behalf of ofure and my da jie,claudia]
to herr,
ofure and claudia's most hated person:
f*** you larhh chi bai
you think you wad
very nice and good is it
tats not true
in reality
you are just a ugly bitch
tat lyks sucking up to ppl
the upper sec guys
cos they think tat you are pretty
they all pah jiao one
all cock-eyed
in real life
yo are nothing but a piece
you dun have a backbone
you cant even stand up for urself
you need to rely on yr frends
ppl are willing to forgive you
but you cant even apologise
cant even say the word 'sorry'
is it so hard
you wun die by saying it
you lyk acting innocent
and pretending tat you dun know anything
and wasnt part of it
when you dun have frends
you crawl back to the ppl
tat you used to complain abt
wat the fuck
some nice ppl
are willing to help you change
but you arent even
willing to help urself
you are hopeless
you are a fucking bitch
and lyk claudia would say it
"fuck the mother out of you"
you are a hypocrite
a bitch
i think i have scolded enough
claudia and ofure,
you two should be happy
and jumping for joy rite now
this is also meant for the ppl tat hate herr
which includes herr classmates
and i really meant
evrything i said in tat message
bye ppl

me and desiree

me and desiree in maples hse

maple, desiree and claudia

maple, desiree and claudia

maple, desiree and claudia

Claudia pole-dancing

me, claudia and desiree

me, claudia and desiree

claudia and maple
yo people
didnt blog yesterday
cos went to maples house till like 4 plus
then went to 1 twenty-six after tat
took the above photos yesterday
me, claudia, desiree and maple went to j8
before going to maples house
then when we reach maples house
we played truth or dare
it was so damn funny
we dared each other to scream out of the window
and catch someones attention
then laugh like crazy
bus-ed home with desiree after tat
to desiree:sorry sorry for dropping yr phone
went to school as usual
had a fun time during pe
played volleyball first
gerldine threw me the ball
then i dig
but it went in the wrong direction
it flew towards mr lee
cos he was toking to the ppl playing netball
the ball hit his butt
then we laugh and laugh
then school ended
was accompanying desiree
while she waited for her parents
they were going to ion
then i waited with ofure, claudia and maple
then they were complaining abt somebody
ofure and claudia were screaming like mad ppl
this was part of ofure and desiree conversation:
[the person's name is ___]
ofure:tell yr parents dun ever ask you to name yr kids_____,
cannot have friends named_____
cannot know anybody named _____
desiree:eh, they come alr. you go and tell them larhh
[pulling ofure]
ofure: [screams] dun wan
desiree: i tell them ah, i tell them ah
then ofure continues screaming and screaming
and desiree's car just went off
after tat went to bubble tea shop
with claudia, maple and ofure
bought bubble tea and separated with claudia
at the bubble tea shop
jae jun, hao ming and his friend came
jae jun, hao ming and ofure's conversation:
ofure:eh, where u going?
jae jun:i going to hao mings hse
ofure:huh, hao ming, you got hse arhh?
i tot you dun have hse
[me and maple started laughing]
ofure:hao ming where you live
ofure:wat bus you taking?
haoming:any bus
jae jun:eh ofure, where you going?
ofure:i going home to sleep
haoming:[pointing at ofure] huh, you got hse arhh?
i tot you dun have
jae jun:wat bus you taking?
ofure:i taking 162 to yio chu kang then take mrt to yishun
jae jun:[being sarcastic] wahh, i live very far from school lehh
need to walk 2 minutes lorhh
ok... tats all i can remember from their sarcastic conversation
soon, they left me, maple and ofure at the bus stop
ofure asked me for my bubble tea
i told her tat i give her my last mouth
she said okay
i gave her quite a lot
she go and drink up evrything
and kept the pearls in her mouth
still got her own bubble tea left the pearls
then so damn disgusting
then i told sth to maple
we started laughing
then ofure looked lyk she was going to puke
me and maple faster took our bag
and go to the other seat at the bus stop
then maple looked at ofure
and started laughing
laugh until crazy
then i took my bag
and 'migrated' to the next seat
and the bus finally came
in the bus
ofure was choking and coughing
me and maple went up to find an empty seat
we sat down
and ofure chased us and sat behind us
when she finished all the pearls in her mouth
i was so relieved
i was so scared tat she might spit it out
so damn funny
maple alighted the bus at her stop
and me and ofure started talking abt
the subjects in sec 3 and study stuff
didnt know why we talked abt tat
alighted the bus and went home
heyy heyy heyy
back from sch which ended at 1.15 today
had a super super long reading period
ultra ultra ultra boring!!!
then walked to the bus stop with desiree
where we meet ying jie
he was so damn funny
he kept teasing desiree
then bus-ed to amk hub
bought mac and walked home
ying jie pei us until outside the condo
then he cursed us to get sick
cos we shared the coke
then we walked in
and desiree was talking abt how fatenning coke was,
diabetes, cancer and all sorts of stuff like tat
it was weird
well, tats alll
buh bye
went to plaza sing with tohning yesterday
watched 'my sister's keeper'
it was soooo awesomeee!!!!
tohning was super cute
on the part when they did sick stuff
she was covering her eyes
at the last part
she was crying
it was so sad
i wasn't really paying attention
so didnt cry and stuff
after that i was really upset and stuff
cute tohning comforted me
she told me a lot of stuff
which totally cheered me up
ate dinner at mac
then saw some cute lil' fishes
there was an eel inside
and cute cute tohning started screaming
like when she see cockroach
was so damn fun
and went home
message to my dearest tohning:
thank you tohning
for always being there when i needed you
you are willing to sit down with me
listen to my problems
and give advice
you give life to the dead days tat i have
you cheer me up when i am sad
you can always make me laugh
i know tat you really dun wan me to _____ _____ and stuff
i know tat i am letting you down if i do
i am really really sorry if i did hurt you
dun always think yrself as a nuisance
cos ure not
just wantd to tell you that i love you
message to her:
i apologise to you in the previous posts
and now if you ignore me
how will you know whether i change a not
best friends are suppose to tell each other their mistakes and stuff
they are also suppose to stick with each other
and spend time with each other
not fight over this kind of stuff
and get yr facts rite
cos in yr previous post
you wrote 'and if you wanna get angry , then fine'
and i am hell not angry with you
you are the one tats angry with me
and you said tat i think tat you scold for no reason
tat is not true
i did not say tat
and dun you dare put words in my mouth
and so wat if i am rude
tats me you know
people can accept me for who i am
why cant you just do tat for once
if you really dun wan me as yr best friend
you can just say
but i really think tat we should stop fighting
heyy people
going out with tohning later
going to plaza sing
damn freaking bored at home
nothing to do now
except this
why does the world have to be like this
it was fine all along
then one day it just comes crashing down
and you are brought to a world of hell
hatred is all around you
i gtg and get ready le
buh bye
message to her:
i have many friends
but i have only one best friend
and tats you
if you dun appreciate tat title
and think tat i dun appreciate you
[which i do]
i really try to change
when i realise my mistakes
dun you think tat i am always listening to you
and tat you seldom listen to me
tat is cos i respect you and yr decisions
and i appreciate you
cant you just accept me for who i am
cos i accept you for who you are
and i dun remember you
telling me any of my mistakes
in yr post on yr blog
you said tat theres lots of reasons
why yall are ignoring me
and tat u feel rejected
did you tell me the reasons
i dun think so you know
and i am not the one tat is angry
you are the one tat is angry and ignoring me
get yr facts rite before scolding me
for wat i didnt do
and i already said sorry
wat more of me do you wan
can we just stop fighting
and put the past behind us?
heyyy people!!
i am offically done for
and i am declaring to be suffering from
DEPRESSIONyou see, ... is angry with me
so is, ... , ... , ... , ... also
i spent the whole day with yuri
cos those ppl are angry with me
i really really feel like ... ...
i realised that life sucks like hell and its depressing
really really really depressing
its like my whole world is crashing down
and falling apart into thousands and thousands of pieces
if committing suicide wasnt a crime and didnt hurt
i would have been dead months ago
maybe even years ago
i dun feel like blogging right now
message to ... , ... , ... , ... :
i know wat i did wrong
but so wat if i do _____
its not my fault that i do
and if you really treat me as a good friend,
you will accept me for who i am
doing this just shows me that you arent
i am already doing my best trying to change
wat more of me do you want?
i have been like this for my whole life
and you want me to change all of a sudden?
i can but you need to give me some time rite
after all i am still a human and so are you
you will also take time to change rite
i am sorry larhh,
i didnt mean to _____
was just too excited
message to ... :
i seriously dun know why are you angry with me
you said that you arent but you should be
what does that mean
and you keep saying that you are not angry
but you make it so obvious that you are
evrytime i talk to you
you ignore me and walk away
i really dun understand
i am lost
really really lost and depressed
i told you before
i get real depressed when you are angry with me
literally angry
not like that time the joking joking kind
i really dun know wat i did wrong to hurt you

this is both day and night class


close up


left to right
desiree, claudia,me

desiree and me

me and claudia
heyy peeps!!
back to blogging again
went to school today
totally sucked like shitty hell
was like totally embarrassed
i should not say it
[if you want to know, come ask me personally]
then got wat stupid talk
abt cyber bullying and some shit like that
was so frucking boring
went to bugis with claudia, desiree and ofure yesterday
des didnt come sch today
cos she wasnt feeling like it
super 'GOOD' reason rite
then had a lot of fun at bugis and went to iluma
was fun i guess
i bought a pen from comics connection
and i saw the vk uniform at.....
i forgot the store name
it was so cool
i took some photos
dun really feel like blogging larhh actually
buh bye
wat the hell
was talking to desiree just now
she asked me to chill after seeing my posts
claudia was in the chat too
she was fuming as well
we should all learn to chill
i want to go to a place
where you can scream your lungs out
haiz..... -sighs-
i keep sighing today
probably cos i cant chill
i need to scream
my bro is at home
he was playing warcraft
typical teenage boy with no life
he can everyday stay at home
dun need to go out lorhh
his life is like so damn freaking BORING
then he was over the phone
scolding all the bad words to his friend
pity his friend
keep hearing all the fucks,shits,cbs,wths
and stuff like tat
er.... ok......
like.....[nothing to say]
so bored sia
like nothing to do now
harlow peeps!!
back for blogging after a fucking day
okay, first
the chinese oral totally sucked like hell
then after the oral
i went to amk hub with ernest, bryan and ding xiang
bryan suppose to buy a present for me
then on the way there
i like very emo
not in the mood to laugh larhh
then ernest and ding xiang took pics of me and bryan
cos i walk somewat behind him
then they take
looks like we walking together
like wat the fuck
then ding xiang decided not to talk for today
ok.... like watever
then go to amk hub the minitoons
then buy a gigantic teddy bear
[will post the pics of it another time]
then inside minitoons
saw a lot of people
we saw gerldine and denise
then i saw eileen
[the one in deyi]
then i saw ting ting
say hi,harlow,i miss you and stuff
then we go outside
i saw my sweetie VANESSA
sweetie, you so pretty sia
miss you lots and lots
then she ask me am i with the boys
i said sadly yes
then she give that look
then desiree came and the boys left
for shen ee's hse
then i came home with desiree
on the way home, it rained
and its still raining now
first claudia, then desiree, now me -sighs-
who's next?
desiree and claudia knows what i mean
and desiree baobei,
its better that you dunno him
trust me, it would hurt much more if you do
took this 100 questions quiz from tohning
1.What does the sixteenth text in your inbox say
- It says " shit lar, no matter how much i study, i can't do circle questions. "
2.Has someone ever told you they would be with you forever?
- Erm..... no
3.Last person you were in the car with?
- dad,mum,bro
4.Any plans for tomorrow?
- Go to j8 with Desiree after school
5. How long does it take you to have a shower?
- Erm..... i dun really time how long i bathe, but I would guess 20-30 mins
6.When is your birthday?
- 12 Sep . today is exactly 1 month after my bday
7.Is tomorrow going to be a good day?
- Yupp, last paper of the year!!
8.Did you kiss anyone on friday?
- Nope
9.Ever thrown up in public?
- Sadly yes....
10.What's on your mind RIGHT NOW?
- How sour a warheads sweet is
11.Who was the last person you talked to?
- Tohning
12.What is the WORST subject they teach at school?
- Chinese
13.Have you seen anyone lately that you don't get along with?
- Yupp.....
14.What is your favorite colour shirt to wear?
- randomness (:
15.Have you ever been in a car accident?
- NO!!
16.Whats the closest thing to you that's green?
- Mask
17.What would you like to be doing right now?
- Watch Vampire Knight
18.Write down some lyrics to the song your listening to.
- Not listening to any right now
19.How many dogs do you have?
- ZERO!!
20.Is anything bugging you right now?
- Yupp, the darn maths paper
21.How is life going for you right now?
- Bad cos of the mathe paper
22.Is there someone you care about more than yourself?
- Him and friends and family
23.What made you laugh today?
- Desiree talking
24.What was the last film you watched?
- Ice age 3
25.What's the last conversation you had about?
- About Mimi
26.What were you doing at 7:00 this morning?
- In school
27. Do you like your hair long or short?
- Long
28.Do you want to see somebody right now?
- HIM like duhh
29.Do you like the rain?
- Always do
30.Do you think you'll have a Valentine this year?
- over le larhh …
31.The last person you kissed needs you at 3 AM, would you go?
- No, I need my beauty sleep
32.Would you honestly say you'd risk your life for someone else?
- See what happens first …
33.Honestly, if you could go back 1 month and change something would you?
- YES!!!!
34.How do you feel about girls smoking?
- Dun really like it
34.Could you see yourself with someone forever?
- Dunno, now not the time to think that la …
35.What was the first thing you thought when you woke up?
- The maths test would suck
36.Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months or more?
- Dunno
37.Do you forgive and forget?
- hmm…
38.Do you trust people?
- few people only …
39.What are you not looking forward to?
- EOY exam results ……
40.Do you get mad easily?
- Yes
41.Has anyone ever told you that you have pretty eyes?
- No . but in the future maybe … since my eyes became much bigger than last time …
42.Do you have strange dreams?
43.Ever licked someone's cheek or forehead?
44.Last time you fell asleep in someone's arms?
- my mum bah … or my dad ?
45.When did you last throw up?
- Long long ago
46.What do you have on you at all times?
- Clothes ? Specs ?
47.Would you go out in public without getting dressed up or put together?
- no …not in my whole life …
48.Do you like fruity or minty gum?
- Both …
49. Favourite musician or group?
- can’t list them out … a lot …
50. Favourite film of all time?
- My favourite film changes all the time
51. Favourite computer game?
- no more … now on anime … hahahaha
52. First album you ever went and bought with your own money?
- i forgot … i bought a lot with my own money …
53. Think back five months ago, were you single?
- Of course.
54. Do you believe in celebrating anniversaries?
- duh . and what’s the point of asking this ?
55. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
- dunno . dun care . ‘cause it is always me who think of people . LOL.
56. Last thing you bought?
- food
57. Are you a jealous person?
- i dunno … maybe (thinking about that time )
58. Does it take a lot to make you cry?
- No, not really
59. Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
- duh
60. Have you ever had your heart broken? If so, how many times?
- Nope, not at all
61. Do you like to cuddle/snuggles?
- hmm… dunno …
62. Is there anybody you wish you could be spending time with right now?
63. How far away is the last person you hugged?
- Er... how would i know
64.Do you wish someone would call or text you right now?
- Nope, just put down the phone
65. Is your life anything like it was a year ago?
- Nope. totally different…
66. This time last year, can you remember who you liked?
- oh… i dun have to tell u … nobody knows
67. You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life, what is it?
- i’ll go die first …
68. Have you lost contact with someone you wish you didn't?
- no
69. What is the last thing you said out loud?
- dunno . dun care .
70. When was the last time you cried?
- hmm… dun remember le … oh … few days ago … after watching anime
71. Do you have friends you can tell stuff to and you're sure they won't tell?
- of course
72. What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
- put my specs on the table . LOL
73. What can't you wait for?
74. Have you ever told anyone you would marry them?
- hmm … in my dreams …
75. What's the worst way to say "i love you?
- i dunno . i dun care anw …
76. Seven days from now will you be in a relationship?
- how would i know... im not a fortune teller
77. Are you mad about anything?
- not right now
78. What is the last thing you got in trouble for with your parents?
- why should i tell u that ??
79. Are you mean?
- hmmm … ask my friends …
80. Were you happy when you woke up today?
- no!!! cos i didnt wanna take the maths test
81. Has a boy/girl called you babe or baby in the past two days?
- huh ? 那个人头脑有问题 !
82. Do you hate it when people smoke around you?
- YEAH !!! I HATE IT !!!
83. Do you have anything that belongs to a boyfriend/girlfriend?
- dunno.
84. Has anybody ever given you butterflies?
- nope
85. How long do you think you will live?
- who knows? not a fortune teller.... remember?
86. Does it bother you when people respond with one word?
- not really … cos i do it myself . LOL .
87. Do you believe once a cheater, always a cheater?
- Maybe ?
88. Who disgusts you?
- not saying
89. Name one thing people think about you that's not true
- ask them lah …
90. What would you do if your best friend(s) turned gay?
- WRONG!!! and their not guys and girls dun turn gay
91. Is your hair naturally curly or straight?
- Natural curl
92. Do you drink tea?
- Yupp
93. How do you feel about chocolate covered strawberries?
- dun like strawberries
94. Do you currently have feelings for anybody?
- lalalalalalalalalala.............
95. Have you ever stripped for money?
- NO way, over my dead body
96. Is the last person you kissed more than a year older than you?
- my mum.... haha
97. Ever kissed someone with the letters c, a, p,d, q, s or j as their first initial?
- no
98. Two days from now this time, where will you be?
- OUT!!!! [freedom]
99. Do you think you are a good person?
- Of course . must have confidence in urself …
100. Who are your favourite people?
- everyone … except for some people …
i finally can use the com
lemy mum finally allow me to use
cos only have 2 more papers
i can use for two hours
wootstoday's maths paper was so damn easy
hao lian-
hope that i can do well
then today also have
seab eng field test
then the
invigilator damn funny
desiree say very cute
maple say he very gay
then the test was so funny
fann and maple was laughing
fann's face was so damn red
they make a lot of noise
so i turned back and look and
fannthen see her face like tomato like that
so damn funny
then i also started laughing
desiree and
claudia were playing.....
with the peeled off paint on the table
then after that
fann play with
desiree hair
and maple played with mine
alicia was talking to
jiaminalice was playing with
nikkithen the boys were also playing
wilfred keep playing with his stapler
then make damn a lot of noise
ernest was throwing stuff at
joshuathen damn funny
after the test i went to
amk central
desiree to buy my wallet
bought bubble tea again
from the
koi cafe
their bubble tea is so damn cool
you can choose what level of sugar you wan
then they give damn a lot of pearls
damn nice
desiree was screaming went she drank......
the caramel milk tea
she keep saying that that so caramel
thats so caramel
then we walk and walk
walk until miss the wallet store
then must walk back
damn stupid
lorhhsdes took a photo
but forget to send
will post another time
along with my birthday