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on wed
i was so damn frustated
shen ee was totally being stupid
i was in the canteen
then he took bryan's deodarant
and spray at me
then i had to borrow deodarant from laura
thanks laura
then on tuesday
i suppose to stay back
to practice drama
me des maple guorong and bryan
then guorong sick
went home
maple got tuition
went home
left me des and bryan
then bryan actually got eng
but it was optional
so he didnt go
then when he was trying to tell me
ernest was like
making heart shapes behing him
then i was staring at him
then he stopped when bryan looked at him
then their actions very funny
i was laughing like shit
then yesterday was so funny
i stayed back with des mario and ofure
to eat lunch
then eat more than one hour
thanks to desiree yeo huey ming
then when des was eating
ofure was talking to des
then i was talking to mario
then des started laughing
then her mouth was full
she had to spit the food out
then when me and mario see
we started laughing like crazy
then des had to spit almost every mouth she eat
so funny sia
then after went to buy fbt
and went home
message to the all-time biatch:
you are a slut
you are a cheater
a liar
a friend stealer
a breaker
a back stabber
a totally bitch
you think that you rock
but actually....
the whole world hates you
i bet you dun know that
cos you are so stupid
anyong people
today was the offical day
of the yellow ribbon project
must meet in school at 7.30
then i meet nicole aka tohning
at amk hub at 6.30
then i woke up at 5.30
damn tired xia
met her

mof;JAPENESE sweets and coffee

hokkaido ice cream!!!!

coffee kaki

its empty



converse is inside.......


haha.... he wants you
took pictures of lots and lots of stalls
so bo liao.....
and went to eat at mac
was the only store open other then 7-11
and stores like tat
so we ate there
and saw vanessa and samuel
the were like hiding from us
but we saw them
we took a bus there and was like
damn late when we reach there
took a bus to the bloody hta
reach there
straight away practice
practice, practice and more practicing
rest, rest and more resting
then ate this

was totally suckish
then we played truth or dare
i dared winnie to tell miss wong
that she is very pretty
then felicia say dun wan
cos winnie very daring
so i say
i dare you to tell
miss dawn wong
that she is UGLY
then she go and tell
then we all kanna punish
must do five pumping
stupid larhh
she cannot take joke is it?
then after that was the performance
that sim chong boon was there
mong keng was there also
then finish le jiu bused back to sch
can go home le
but me and tohning went to plaza sing
spent a LONG time walking
cos miss tohning forgot how to walk
okay... we went there to buy the plastic string
it was in spotlight
and spotlight is huge
one of the biggest store ive seen
but the whole store was filled with.....
then we found the string
long time wasted on queuing up to pay
went to fing goong
first two stores cannot find
lucky third store can find
tohning was jumping with joy
siao ginn nahh larhh she
then went to mini bites
their greeting was anyonghaesaeyo
tohning was going crazy over tat too
then we saw itching powder
dun wanna elaborate
you can read more from tohnings blog
then had to leave and stuff
tohning was so sad


the plastic string thingy^^

the necklace that me and tohning bought

lots and lots of cloth..... spotlight

haha.... very funny priscilla...

yuheng so cuteeeee!!!!

me and my fated meiiiii

woots.... hta!!!

left to right:yuheng,ryan
cutieee,mr flirtieee
i can guang ming zheng da use computer
no worries about being caught
and all that other shyt
went to hta[home team academy] on tuesday
and was 'attacked' by freaking flirt, RYAN
he keep making my hair
then everytime i see him
i will cover my head, scream and run away
thank you everybody that wished me
thank you thank you
well, gtg now
bye bye^^
Me and Denise
The four babes

Me and Maple

Me and Denise

Me and Desiree

Me and Ofure

Denise and Ofure

Me and Desiree
today is my birthday
sweet 13 to me
on last wednesday
i went out to 1 twenty-six with my family
i permed my hair on that day
then on thursday
i went to watch the proposal
it rocks
then yesterday
i went with denise, desiree and ofure
to wild wild wet
so fun
the we saw a small girl
her name is jesinta
what a nice name
she was six years old
and she keep saying
that we all very scaredy cat
super super cute
then we had so much fun
will post pictures another time
cos now blogger got problem
as usual.
harlow people!!!
havent been blogging for one week
suppose to be doing e-learning
but who cares bout that shit
went to school yesterday
for the art thingy
then that bloody guy like shit larhh
he sit at my place then say i never find sit
then do the rat
he say look like toad rat
then guorong got very bad sore throat
poor thing larhh
then wilfred very bad
keep making beverly haizzz......
later got tuition
i dun wan tuition
wells, gtg le larhh
bye bye
i know that i have not been blogging for quite some time
sorry sorry sorry
exams larhh
then my grades all suck like shit
got banned by my mum
cant go out anymore
except for my birthday thing
science got c6
from a2 drop to c6
wa lao
damn low sia
then dt fail
e8 sia
then during class
i cried after seeing the results
fcuk larhh!!!!
then maths i got a1[78.5]
my mum still say not good enough
people can get full mark
why you cannot
oi, you think your daughter got super brain
like your son is it?
stupid larhh!!!!!
then i went to the canteen
saw qing wei
she showed me her paper
science got f9
and she is still so optimistic
i wish i can be like her
got to go le larhh
bye bye
harlow there!!!!!
happy teachers' day to all the teachers out there
i know that sometimes we make you angry and stuff
but hope that you can forgive and forget
i cannot wait for next friday
me,denise,desiree,ofure and maple going to wild wild wet
to celebrate my birthday
-jumps for joy-actually claudia suppose to go also
but i dun think that she can go
her mum dun allow
stupid larhh
cant wait
message to mrs yau:hey mrs yauhappy teachers' day to youhope you enjoy this wonderful dayi love your english lessonsenglish lessons+you=fun and joyi really really hope that you can teach us next yearthank you for all your effort in teaching us