A wall of mirrors... Alicia's favourite place...

Who is this??

The toys in her house
I took these pics in Laura's house
with Maple, Alice and tohning
before going to cca
don't wanna like elaborate.....
Message to Grace;Mummy:
Dun be depressed okay....
just dun care abt him
he will get over it someday
cheer up, kayys?
love you lots
Message to Yuri:
Its okay.... she is very biased
I think a lot of people know so too....
i think its cos he is a guy
that's why...
heyyy peeps!!!!
let's talk about today....
des didn't come school today cos she was havin cough...
we slacked during the english
and mrs neo totally crapped throughout the lesson
wth!!! it sucked like hell
i was complaining that she is very naggy and all
after that was pe
we played netball, as usual....
we played three sets.
first set was our team vs sk's team
second set was sk's team vs boys(super rough)
third set was our team vs boys
i played GA for both sets that we played
and on the third set, the GD was ernest lor
then sk was like you die liao
he accidently pushed me and joshua stepped on my feet
man, i think im gonna be bai ka..... lol
when recess was over, we were at the parade square
wilfred passed me a message saying:
only you can see
do you like kang wei?
answer honestly
dun lie
then i turned back and looked at wilfred
i was like no
then i throw the paper at guorong..... hahaha
mt was after recess and we did filing
teac ask 谁是五号的好朋友?(who is reg. 05's best friend)
then i raised my hand
and she ask me to help desiree do the filing lor
wtf!! that was so much work
dun wanna talk school anymore
during science, sk asked me to ask bryan whether is he going to carina's bday thing.
then she said that she has KimBum's korean name
i wanted to write down on a piece of paper
the whole paper was filled with KimBum stuff and it was very colourful
then after i write down, mr teh saw the paper
he said wah, so colourful arh. later i come and take from you
i was like wtf lor
and dense told me that she saw the choir photo
there was a girl that looked like bryan
i was like where got? have mah?? i cant recall
then after sci, i went to ask bryan
here is our conversation:
me:bryan, you going to carina the bday thing
bryan:i dunno lah
me:dunno is yes or no
guorong:he cannot go lah. tmr got ncc
bryan>guorong:oi, dun anyhow say lah
me:so you going or not?
bryan:see how lar. if got ncc then cannot lah
me:so if you got ncc then you not going. if dun have then you going arh?
i walked away and told sk
then school ended and me, tohning and maple ate lunch in school
then sk and carina came to me
carina told me to tell bryan to bring his own clothes if he wanted
so i went up to him again and told him
carina tell you to bring your own clothes if you wan
he didnt say anything....
after eating,tohning and maple followed me home
then they saw te cat
i dun feel like elaborating anymore lah
Hi!!! Okay, lets talk abt just now. I went to j8 with Des, Denise, Gerldine and Claudia. It was for the bof thing. They were giving out free posters and ez-link stickers. I went to eat lunch with Des and her mum. From there, we met Claudia and Gerldine. After that, we went to the outside, where the bof thing was. Then Tohning and Yong Wei was there too. Tohhning said that she came and queue at 10+ in the morning. And somemore, she skipped lunch. Yong Wei said that need ticket to go and take the poster. She had an extra, so we borrow from her and went to photocopy....Haha we walk everywhere till we find the thing. Ok...... when we went back, there was alot of ppl. Then we squeeze and squeeze and when we were almost there, just a few more ppl to our turn. They announce that they didn't have anymore poster, but still have the sticker. Wth..... Watse my time lor. Squeeze and squeeze then you tell me dun have. Then we go guang jie then go home. We also met Laura there. She was so chio lor. Love her lots!!!! Haha...

Miie n Denise

Me n my crazy jie, Laura

Miie n Alicia

Miie n Sarah.K

Miie n Maple
Today, school ended early cos it is a friday. The day that I like. Maths was boring, as usual. When we go into C.S.K.'s classroom, he asked us whether did anyone of us step on dog shit or something. Cos he said that the room was smelly went we came in. After that was home econs. It was quite okay cos we did practical. I teamed up with Winnie cos Desiree went with Maple. During recess, Maple told me that the smell was coming from Jia Min. Gosh, after recess, she was sitting behind me. Omg!! During english, Kang Wei scolded Maple for teasing Jia Min. He said, if people tease you like that, would you be happy? Then Maple was like so shocked, cos she wasn't the one that teased Jia Min. Then, I asked Maple who told her, she said Fann. She also said that she think Bryan was the one that started the rumor. I told Kang Wei that Maple was not inside then he apologize to Maple. Then Guo Rong damn cute lor. He said, must be more sincere, must look at her etc..... Hahaha. Then last period, history, The best lor!!! Mr Phillai did not come today. The relieve teacher rocks lor. He say that once we finish what we need to do, we can do whatever we wan which includes using handphone and everything. I love history!!!
Got tagged by PRINCESS MAPLE to do this quiz.
List down 15 different people(each must be between 13-17 years of age)
8.Shi Jia
Q1) What if 1(Desiree) and 4(denise) go tgt?
Ewwww... That will make them lesbians.
Q2) What is 3's(Ofure) favourite colour?
I have no idea.
Q3) What do you think of 13(Daryl)?
My most loved kor kor!!!!!
Q4) How long hane you known 11(Tohning)?
Start of this year. 6 months.
Q5) What is the relationship between 7(Fann) and 8(Shi Jia)?
They used to be best friends. Lately, they quarrelled.
Q6) How old is 10(Yuri)?
13 this year
Q7) Is 14(Clifton) and 15(Randy) compatible?
Ya quite. Both of them make quite a good gay pair... lol.
Q8) What is 5 to you(Claudia)?
Quite a good friend
Q9) What is your relationship with 2(Maple)?
She is my beloved mei.
Q10) What will you do if 12(Leris) slaps you?
She won't dar to do that. If she does, I will slap her back
Q11) What if 6(Maggie) cheats on 4 (Denise)?
I have no idea what will happen....
Q12) Does 6(Maggie) knows 9(Laura)?
I think so....
Tag 5 people to do this quiz: