My Fraturnal Twin Sis♥♥!!!

My XiaaoTiaanTiann♥♥!!!
Hi... Have not posted for quite some time. Let's talk about Wednesday. I went to Charlee's hosue to have the sixsixers'08 gathering.It was quite fun and after the party ended, we went to amk hub to eat dinner. There, I bought a soft toy and Char.C bought two of it. It was so quite. Actually, the soft toys was bought by Daren. So thanks Daren. We saw yt there and she had dinner with us and after that, I walked out with Melissa. She was as chio as last time. On Thursday, I went out with Ofure. We went to Orchard cos she wanted to go and check out Borders. We walked the whole freaking Orchard road to find the stupid Borders. Then we went to Marina Square and blah blah blah. Main thing, we missed the movie. No, it's not miss. They didn't even have the show. I went to my grandmother's house just now and I was at the bus stop when I saw Kang Wei at the opposite bus stop waiting. He was wearing pe shirt and track pants. Most likely just came from dance. I don't think he saw me. Before I end,
Hi.... I learnt something about life very long time ago but I didn't have the time to post it. I want to 'dedicated' this post for a few people. In life, there are a lot of bitches and bastards. But doesn't mean that they are flirts, you have to follow them and act like them to give them a taste of their own medicine.
DESIREE YEO!!! I advice you to do what I say. Do you know that you are becoming more and more flirt just cos the bitches and bastards are very flirt? You want to be like them, as popular as them, everybody wants that. Do you know that you are losing more friends cos they think that you have changed not for the better but for the worse.... I don't think that's what you want. I am not insulting you or anything, I am telling you what I heard from others, indirectly. Lol... So just live your life the way you want it. Just let them be what they wanna be. Like what you said, we only get to live once. So why not live it to the fullest??I wanna talk about some people who I dislike. I won't mention your names, so don't worry.
1ST person:You are a girl... Very flirt. You think that you are very cool but not everyone likes you. You just grab any guy that comes along and ask you for stead. You don't even know whether he likes you a not. You are a disgrace to girls.2ND person:You are also a girl, just like person 1. You are not as flirt as her, sometimes. And you don't act cool, but you act CUTE!! You always have that very high-pitched voice to attract attention not only from boys, but from teachers as well.3RD and 4TH person:Since both of you are boys, I will put you together as boys are always almost the same nowadays. You are not those kind of guys that are very act cool. But you guys are like so racist. I think you know who you are. So what if Ofure is an African, so what if she is black, that is not your problem. Do you have to make such racist remarks? Why don't you put yourself in her shoes and imagine if people say that to you. I bet you can't do that cos you have no feelings. I just can't understand how the 2 of you live with so much guilt.Haizz..... Main thing is just be yourself and don't care about this kind of people. They will get their retribution someday.
Live life the way you want it to be.