Hi.... On last Saturday, the sky was like damn
orange. Never seen it like that before. I took these pictures...

I took this picture... Its quite blurry. Its a rainbow..... Lol, doesn't look like a
rainbow. There was choir on Monday. It kinda did'nt suck cos the Mr Ong never come. Yah!! We went to the hall to pratice for speech day and Wilfred was there playing table tennis. I was like wth.... Then he saw me and Joshua. Then he pointed at me, talking to his friend. I keep covering my face when we were not singing. Then the Sec 2 Winnie, Winnie Ong asked me who is he, I said Wilfred. Then she say your boyfriend arh? Then she keep asking. Then she ask so loud, everybody know him liao lor. Then everybody around there ask me that question, except Joshua. He stand there staring into blank space. Then, Winnie say that Wilfred sounded like
Yo-flirt. Then I started laughing. Then must go back to the music room. So I go back lor. Then along the corridor, Winnie keep saying Bye Yo-flirt. I was like lol... Then reach back music room, got break. Break come back sing one song. Then the person say come hall practice. Wth lor... Then go back hall, I stand outside the hall looking down at the netball girls. I call Maple, Evan they all put their finger at their lips. Lol... Then Winnie ask me where is Yo-flirt, then I tell her HOW I KNOW?? Then I realised that he go home liao. Watever. We must go to the ava down there to sing the school song. Wth xia... Fann was there lor. Then she say that she cannot hear what we are singing. I don give a damn. After that I go back down, all the netball girls were playing flour. Like damn fun like that lor. I saw Evan and Maple, they were not very white. There was one girl like ghost like that lor, all white. We go behind the curtain of the stage. Then I standing at the third row with Winnie. I heard some noise. When I turn behind, I didnt see anything cos it was so dark. Then I asked Grace what happen. She say that Hong Jie fall down. I hear alr, started laughing. The curtains open then sing ang go back to the choir room. Ofure, Desiree and my mother keep calling me. I tell Ofure to wait for me. Then I told my mum that I was still in choir. When go back to choir room,
Hilary and
Hong Jie comment and comment. Almost half an hour lor. Then they say that Friday got cca group photo taking. They ask us to raise up hand if dun want tie. Everybody talking never hear them. So only a few raise up. Then Hong Jie say okay majority wins... we wear tie. Then eveybody huh... dun wan leh. Then
Quan Ren take over. He ask loud loud who dunwan tie raise up your hand, somemore he ask in chinese. Everybody raise up hand. Then Mrs Chew say hello, this is not a chinese choir. Then every one laugh..... Then ended then we go home. Then yesterday have house practice. We have to choose a sport that we want to compete in with the other houses. I took benchball. Wilfred betrayer lor. Back out on us for the second round. We play the second match. First match,
Hong Jie fall down again. The sight was funny. This time he fell to catch the ball. Lol.... King of the falls...... I made friends with Dawn from 1a2. Then Desiree's father car come then we go. Then, Desiree say that she is stating to like normal acad ppl. Then me and Ofure say, then you should go to na. Then her dad cut in and say that it is good to mix around. Then Desiree say ya lor..... Watever... Today not much thing happen.... Won talk about it....... My brother is at
Coasta Sands right now, having his second camp of the month.....Wth. I also wanna go. Why you go never bring me. Jk, jk.... Tomorrow have choir..... Ya!!!! Can see my seniors again and talk to Winnie. She surely talk about either Yo-flirt or
James GAY..... Believe it or not, my bro's pri sch friend surmane is GAY...... Last time they like to say, James GAY cannot eat too much dau GAY otherwise will become bo GAY. Hahaha..... Winnie say that she will tell that to James. Lol.... I
love my kor kor(real one, not gan lol) First time I am saying this. Lol...... Bye.......
Hiezzzz!! Yesterday was Friday the 13th and it sucked like hell. Let me explain what happen. Usually thing happened in the morning. Woke up, went to school and well bla bla bla. During the first two lessons, it was okay. Nothing bad happened. After recess, bad luck came. It was chinese so we went to chinese class. Then the Ms Chia call us to copy the thing on the board. No big deal! I dunno why that day I was feeling very frustrated. I copyed like until very like, angry. After that must let her mark. So okay lor, I was behind Jia Min, when she marked, I got one wrong, so I went back to do corrections. Finishing doing corrections, I was like wth, now the queue so freaking long. But no choice, I queued lor. After that, going to my turn liao. All of a sudden, Beverly started crying and saying something to Shen Ee. Again he created trouble. Then teacher say dun queue already. All go back to your seat. I was like wa liao, make me queue so long. When I go back to my place, I was freaking angry, I "slammed" the file on the table. The teacher called me to came up, she say that is the teacher's classroom. By slamming the file on the table, it means not respecting her. Then the bell ring, she call us to pack our bag and go to the next class. After that, we went to ms poon homeroom for geography. I wanted to talk to her to change my seat cos I dun wanna seat with Javier. She say that she will observe his behaviour. During class, ms poon angry cos got so many flowers. Wilfred was teling me, ah ya dun care that teacher la. She crazy one. Then I was staring at him, when he saw and said your facelike that very scary le. I was like lol. Nobody say such a "compliment" to me before. But I didn't say that la. Then the Javier super irriting lor. He heard my conversation with ms poon to change seats. Then he keep on asking me why I wanna change seats. I felt like stapling his mouth. The bell rang and we need to go to ms chia homeroom cos she need to collect the progress report slip. Then I never bring, unlucky. She also never say lor. Primary school also never like that. After that was settled, ms chia told me, Beverly and ShenEe to write down what happen. Beverly still keep on crying. When I was writing, Shen Ee was telling me his side of the story. He say that when he realised that Beverly was queuing behing him, he told Kang Wei better not talk about Shinji. Beverly loves Shinji like hell even though it is a comical character. She heard it as Shinji sucks. Then she started crying and bla bla bla. That was what Shen Ee tell me. I didn't ask Beverly what happen. I scared she continue crying. The the remedial people came. And I saw Gc. She say that Beverly cry until very bad. When I wanted to tell her waht happen, ms chia tell me dun talk to her. When she settled with me, Beverly told me to wait for her. So I waited for her outside. Then, ms chia told me to go first, then I looked at Beverly. I signalled to her that I wait for her in the canteen. She say ok. Along the corridor, I heard somebody snapping. I turned behind and saw someone that I unexpected. It was
Hong Jie!!!
I was like OMG!!! I was staring at him. Then he was like what, then I said what, I never say anything. Then he go inside the boys toilet. As I walked away, I was giggling. I stayed backed for choir. And I saw Hong Jie again. Choir ended at erm..... quite late but I left early cos I was meeting Desiree and Ofure. We went to Amk hub to erm.... do window shopping, I guess. And that was when I realised that my water bottle was gone. I left it at the music room. I faster called Grace and she say that she will return it to me on Thusday. When I come home, I was all alone. My bro had camp. When my mother came back, we wanted to watch Heroes but then outside the dvd player showed that format is not available. Then we go to inside my mothers room to watch. Can play, but then dunno why nothing was on the screen. Very unlucky. And I until now haven even pack for the camp on Monday. I need the bag but my brother is using it for his camp and he is coming home tomorrow. Life is unfair!!!!.......... Friday the 13th SUCKS!!!!!
Hi!! I went to Wild Wild Wet with erm... a lot of people. In the morning, woke up, tuitioned with my aunt. Incredible, first time she never scold xia. She dropped me off at AMK hub and I walked to the mrt. Gerldine, Winnie, Brasel, Danny, Jae Jun, Gerldine's primary school friend, Xue Lian, Guo Rong and one sec two guy was there. He was invited by Colin. Colin and PTK say that they will meet us at City Hall mrt, where we change train. As I walked by Cheers, I smsed Winnie, then she say that she going to go there and find me. When I got the message, I was already in the mrt. Then Gerldine call her and ask her to camo back. Then I was there laughing. Lol... Then, Shen Ee, Denise and Xiqing came then we went to City Hall mrt. It was a long ride, quite crowded also la. When we reach City Hall, we saw Colin and PTK. Colin wear the clothes like go to Hawaii like that. Denise was saying that he wear the shorts look like boxer shorts. I was like wth. Lol.... Then we took a train to Pasir Ris. There we met Mengdi. Her mother works around there. Then Denise and I got thirsty, so we went to Mac to buy drink then the rest follow and buy food. After, we took the bus to downtown east. When we reach, we faster buy locker and put our things inside. Then Colin put his things inside. When he close. lock it and take out the key, he realise that he forgot to put his phone inside. Then must open again. Open, put the phone inside then he dun have $2 coin. Somemore, the machine only take $2, he dun have the note. Then the store all no 5 $2 notes. After that, dunno how he solve. We go to the professor playground, we played one slide and then it started to rain. Very heavy. The lifeguard blow the whistle and sayy that cannot play. We waited for almost one hour. Cos very cold, so Denise, Winnie and me went to the middle part of the toilet. It was very warm. When they let us go in again, we were all cheering like hell lor. We go to shieok river. Damn shuang. I wear the shorts very heavy like wanna drop like that. After thet we go and take the u-la-la. A few of them scared so never take. When we go down, Denise was screaming like crazy. When go down, the cold water splash on us. Super fun, so long never go liao lor. Then, I splash water at the life guard. We went to play the Slide Up, als known as the 'U'. I took it with Denise. We had a problem carrying the float. It was damn heavy. When we reach the top, the guy saaid, sit anywhere you want. Denise call me sit at the place where you go down facing backwards, cos she thought that it was scary. Before the guy push us, he asked Denise why did she want to sit there. Before she could answer, he said this is the scarier place, then he pushed us down. Actually, it was not very scary lah. Then we play and play untill around six. I split with a few of them to find Winnie. She has the key to our locker. B'cos she dunno what time is it so she couldn't call her mother. I ran around the whole place, like a lost child looking for his mother. Finally, I found her. We go to call our parents. She used my phone to call her mother cos her phone no batt. Then, I go around looking for Gerline and the others. Couldn't find them. When I went back, just nice she ended her call. While I call my mum, she went to find them. I stand outside the locker waitng for her to come back. Wait untill damn long. When she come back, we decided to bath lor. Since she found them and told them, but they didn't seem to care. So we went to bath. When we come out, we pack our things take our bags out from the locker and the others arrived. Guo Rong's mother was going to fetch him in 10 mins time. The girls took very long to bath. Outside Wild Wild Wet, we took a group photo. Everyone was inside except Guo Rong and Shen Ee. Guo Rong went home with his mother and Shen Ee dun wan to take. A passer by help us take the photo. We ate at Burger King and Gerldine treated us. I think it cost over $100. After eating, we took a mrt back. Gerldine somemore wanna go walk walk. Xue Lian say that her parents don't mind. Crazy lor. When I reached the AMK station, I go with Denise to 'redeem' the $1 from the card coas she owes me that $1. After that, I saw my mother there and she walked with me home. Along the way, she was quite angry. This is the first time I come home so late. Somemore, I never tell her that got boys going. Lol..... These are the photos that I took.

Actually still have, but then I am too lazy to add. Bye bye......
Hi, I'm back.... Today is E-learning day and it is 7.00 in the morning. Hardly any one is online right now.I am super tired, I woke up at 6.30, I think...zzz.... Now I am talking to Kang Wei. But he take very long to reply leh. He say that he woke up at 6.00 a.m. I thought that the E-learning thing started at 7.15, but I see wrong, it starts at 7.45. I am so bored. I asked Kang Wei why he wake up so early, he say to watch porn, then he say duno. I was like 0.0 diao. Now got more people online, Maple, Ernest and Winnie. Yesterday was house pratice. Never run, so good. But shout cheers untill sore throat. Then I went to toilet with Desiree and Ofure, to change. Then when we come out, we saw Kang Wei's bag on the hall floor. The hall was going to close, so I and Ofure decided to carry his bag to go and find him. We found him downstairs with the track and field team. When he saw the three of us, he only thanked Desiree, never thank me and Ofure. Ungrateful boy.......lol..... I gotta go and log in to school portal liao. Bie bie