Hiiiiiiii!!!! I went to Brasel birthday party on Valentine's day, 14 feb. It was awesome. She was there at the mrt station with Sarah, Ernest, Ernest friend, Andy, and her other primary school classmates, waiting for Gerldine and Mengdi. They were there since 12.45 and waited for them for like 1 hour plus. Luckily, I went late. They arrived and we went to Casablanca and we erm..... ate lunch. The food was nice. Brasel went to entertain her friends while we entertain ourselves. We played truth or dare. Very fun and funny......lol.

And theres Mengdi, Gerldine and Ernest.

And theres Ernest and his friend Andy.
When I reached home, very late already. And my mother and brother ate without telling me and I had to cook maggie noodles all by myself, when I could have ate with Gerldine at Causeway point. Well, I gotta go now. Enjoy the pictures!!!